Hi, I’m

I’m an 11-month-old Kelpie/Catahoula/Heeler mix (we don’t know, your guess is as good as ours!), whose had a meandering path to POOCH. I can be a nervous guy, but I find my confidence from my doggy friends who are helping me learn how to “dog.”

More about CLIFFORD

Meet Clifford. His road to POOCH was a bit meandering and bumpy. HE’s experienced a lot of different environments in his 11 short months of life. First found as a stray in California, he went into the shelter system, was pulled into a rescue, then went to an adult prison dog program where he was trained for a few months before being adopted to a home in Oregon. His adoptive home did not end up being a good fit through no fault of his own.

When Cliff first came to us he was very scared and shut down. We are watching him blossom as he interacts with his doggy friend, Vivienne. The youth are slowly building trust and rapport with him. Cliff is starting to show some interest in toys. He’s got his sit, stay, and down cues dialed, and he walks well on a leash.


  • Shy & nervous at first

  • Gains confidence from his dog friends, especially Vivienne

  • Likes to play with other dogs

  • Does not like hugging


  • Has been bounced around from a shelter to a rescue to a prison program in California to an adopted home and now to POOCH. He WILL need time to settle into a new home and know that his life isn’t going to be upended again.

  • Could do really well with another dog in the home to continue to learn from and gain confidence from. He and Vivienne could be good buddies together if you are looking for two dogs.

Read more about the Commitment of Adopting a Dog.


  • Breed: Who knows??

  • Sex: Neutered Male

  • Size: 45 lbs

  • Age: Appx. 11 months

You may not be able to adopt, but you can still help support my care by making a donation today.